Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Suggested by a Flickr group member, the theme for this upcoming sunday will be... "I know I bought it for a reason, but what was it?????????" We all have things that seemed perfectly logical at the time, but now baffle or even worse, embarass us! SHARE!! Maybe a swap wil grow out of it?
Sunday, November 27, 2005
Stash Sunday - cute robots
I'm going to join Samantha and put my Stash Sunday here. I bought this today for $2.49 a yard. No idea what I'll do with it, but does it really matter? LOL!
Anyway, my apologies to a few of the newbies on the blogroll...I'll add you soon! If you would like to be added...post a comment here!
NOTE: I just realized what the theme is and I guess I'm grateful for sales!
Anyway, my apologies to a few of the newbies on the blogroll...I'll add you soon! If you would like to be added...post a comment here!
NOTE: I just realized what the theme is and I guess I'm grateful for sales!
I'm grateful for...

I am so grateful to have this PJ top. It was my Grandpa's http://www.flickr.com/photos/spamantha/56462309/. I gave him these jammies, which are sort of a Wall Street Journal print, years ago. He was a stockbroker and I often gave him themed gifts like these. When he died, my mom saved them for me, and along with some other money-themed fabric, I'm going to make a Grandpa quilt one day. Maybe it will have photo-transfers, maybe not. Maybe it will be for my dad, maybe not. But just having the fabric is a connection to grandpa...
Anybody out there got any good ideas for the next theme?
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Stash Reduction Quilt Ring!
Judy L. has started a stash reduction quilt ring, for those of us who are trying desperately to actually use up some of the copious amounts of fabric we own. Really, honey, if you're reading this, I swear the fabric breeds in the closet. And that the quilt store has started giving me one yard free for every fat quarter I buy. Anyway, you can check out the ring requirements here! Happy Stash-busting.
Theme for this sunday?
Okay, last week I was a complete doofus and missed Sunday. Oh well, life goes on.
What should we do this week?
Since it's Thanksgiving in the US, maybe a stash piece we are especially grateful for? Just something you love and treasure?
Whaddya think?
What should we do this week?
Since it's Thanksgiving in the US, maybe a stash piece we are especially grateful for? Just something you love and treasure?
Whaddya think?
Monday, November 14, 2005
Something Borrowed

As many of you know already, I hit JoAnn's this weekend to pick up some supplies for a small tote bag experiment. I also found a 90% off rack of halloween fabric leftovers. Sparkly, pleathery, textured, gorgeous fabrics. So I stocked up on purple. These are all destined for a fabric self-portrait that I have been imagining for a while...
Click on the Flickr badge to visit some of the neato new things Stash Sundayers have posted. Or, go visit some of the blogs in the recently updated blogroll!
And get ready for next week, which will be something borrowed. Since it's hard to borrow fabric/yarn/etc. (much like a tissue, once you've used it you can't really give it back) how bout we look at gifts, or things we've bought 2nd hand, or inherited? Something you got at a garage sale or thrift store and repurposed?
Let's see what all you wonderful folks can find!
Monday, November 07, 2005
Let's keep it going!
This past week's stash sunday was awesome. People pulled out amazing treasures- I thought we'd see a lot of bad 70s fabric, but we got family heirlooms and amazing finds! Thanks, everyone.
Let's keep the silly wedding rhyme going- Sunday November 13th will be SOMETHING NEW. Again, be creative and define it however you want. You guys are good at that!
Let's keep the silly wedding rhyme going- Sunday November 13th will be SOMETHING NEW. Again, be creative and define it however you want. You guys are good at that!
Sunday, November 06, 2005
Something old, with a little bit of blue. But not borrowed. And, it was new when I bought it.

Here's my Stash Sunday contribution- not fabric! Or at least, not "just fabric" but rather, blocks!
Two orphan blocks from my 1st ever quilt, a handpieced, handquilted joy. I discovered purple fabric, and well, have been quilting since. I've got quite a pile of orphan blocks from assorted projects, but they don't really blend together all that well, so I'm not sure what to do with them. Any ideas?
Be sure to surf the blog roll and check out the Flickr group as this week's "something OLD" contributions have been so wonderful! Lots of family history and treasures being shared.